Friday, February 13, 2015

my opinion on opinions

Over these past eleven weeks I have come to one conclusion: There are way too many opinions on how to raise children. People are so opinionated and even the published "professionals" differ so greatly, how are we supposed to know what's right?

The internet gives countless options for sleep patterns. One pediatrician says that swaddling is no longer "allowed", while another encourages it. Strangers scold you for taking your baby out of the house too soon. Pacifiers are evil to some and life savers to others.

With all these opinions how are confused new parents supposed to make decisions?

I was guilty of doing countless google searches on whether or not things are "normal" about our boy, which of course they were and continue to be. Rob encouraged me to stop the searching altogether. Admittedly, I just minimized the frequency and am more cautious about what sources I read from but I guess that's better than nothing!

After the first two weeks of being home with our boy, we decided that we would just do what felt right and natural for us as a family. We knew the big "no-no's" and we had been to birthing class with a bringing the baby home section. We knew that even if we had a bad day here and there in the beginning, a schedule would emerge that worked best for our family. Well, thankfully we were right and it has!

Personally, I am so glad we went that route! Now, eleven weeks later we have a loose but stable schedule and a happy, easy-going baby that can sleep in a noisy room, doesn't fuss on outings, loves to be swaddled and can take or leave a pacifier.

This is not to say that people haven't had great success with the methods on the internet. All I am saying is that if there seem to be too many opinions to sort through, maybe it's best to set them aside and see what feels natural for a while. Sometimes the research will end up being best or maybe you'll end up with a nice mix of research and natural timing. Just feel it out and please don't ever think you can't do it! YOU CAN!!

The other day, I was visiting with a friend who just gave birth to her second daughter. She told me that when she doesn't quite know what to do she just asks herself, "How would the pioneer women have done it?" As we laughed it dawned on me: although I am SO thankful for modern medicine and all the advancements that have been made since the pioneer days, I know that if they could do this so can I!

For all you moms feeling like the first weeks are "the worst," I promise that they go fast! We are almost to the three month mark (which I can't believe!) and while I'm no professional, I feel confident in saying that things "normalize" more quickly that it seems they would!

But hey, don't take it from me, this is just another opinion after all!


  1. Great post. I'm tucking this away for when I have my first. You can only do so much planning, right. :)
